The world needs science & science needs women
Why WISH ?
WISH stands for Women In Science & Humanities.
Our goal is to support young women in STEM, in particular at EPFL, as well as to encourage them to continue their research and pursue their dreams in a higher professional career.
We work on several fields : representation, financial support, coaching and recognition of brilliant women across the world.
Learn more about our mission here.
Some key numbers
Although the number of female* students in STEM is on the rise, women represent only 30% of researchers worldwide. (Unesco, 2019)
Women are 23% more likely to drop out of STEM subjects than their male counterparts. The peak of their drop-out is reached following the 7th semester. (IZA, Institute of Labor Economics, 2019)
Women make up only 18% of the tenure professors at EPFL. This number goes up to 38% for tenure track professors. (EPFL, Gender Monitoring, 2022)
News from the Foundation
11.11.2024 The Erna Hamburger Award distinguished Prof. Rosa Menéndez López, with a Ph.D. in Chemistry, specializing in carbon materials, she has directed research projects in energy storage. Menéndez has led numerous projects, published over 200 articles, holds 10 patents, and supervised 18 doctoral theses. She was the first woman to chair the CSIC, Spain’s largest public research body. Missed out on the ceremony? You can catch it here
6.11.2024 Conference “Leadership avec impact” with BCV and Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, futur president of EPFL
21.11.2023 Seminar on finishing the PhD thesis & finding a job with Antonia Georgopoulou and Ran Zhao.
17.11.2023 Career lunch with Stefania Bellaio.
06.11.2023 The Erna Hamburger Award distinguished Michelle Simmons for her work and research, but also for her dedication to mentoring, diversity, and STEM promotion. Missed out on the ceremony? You can catch it here.
24.07.2023 The Master’s Project Abroad applications are open! You have until October,6th make your dream come true of pursuing your Master’s thesis in a foreign university with the help of the EPFL WISH Foundation. Click here for more information.
27.04.2023 In collaboration with the bio-inspired materials NCCR, and EO, we would like to invite you to a round table discussion that will be on : Combining a career with a family that will take place in room CM 0 10.
7.11.2022 The Erna Hamburger Award 2022 distinguished Anne Lacaton, an architect, professor emerita at ETH Zürich and cofounder of the Office Lacaton & Vassal. Missed out on the ceremony? You can catch it here
8.3.2022 It is International Women’s Rights Day! Prof. Erna Hamburger, an important role model for the Foundation since she gave her name to the annual prize, is being recognized through a street on campus which now carries her name.
1.3.2022 The EPFL PostDoc Association (EPDA) organises an event to tackler gender-related issues at the workplace to prepare a generation of responsible leaders. The first workshop will take place March 2nd, and the second March 17th. Sign up here.
10.2.2022 The Laboratory for Semi-Conducting Materials (LMSC) organises Women professor lunches where you get the chance to have an informal lunch with female* professors of the campus about once a month. Click here to see the list!
18.10.2021 The Erna Hamburger Award 2021 distinguished Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert, Oxford project leader for ChAdOx1 nCov-19, a vaccine against the novel coronavirus. Missed out on the ceremony? You can catch it here or if check out the event page if you want a quick recap.

11.10.2021 The Master’s Project Abroad applications are open! You have until Nov. 14th make your dream come true of pursuing your Master’s thesis in a foreign university with the help of the EPFL WISH Foundation. Click here for more information.